Jasper and the columbia icefields - Reisverslag uit Banff, Canada van Joran Donkersloot - WaarBenJij.nu Jasper and the columbia icefields - Reisverslag uit Banff, Canada van Joran Donkersloot - WaarBenJij.nu

Jasper and the columbia icefields

Door: Joran

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Joran

13 Mei 2011 | Canada, Banff

Hiiii there,

Day 7

today I spend the afternoon in jasper, walking true the town. when i had breakfast in the bakery, a woman asked me some strange question. "Are you from Via rail??". Ehh, noo. the reason why she asked that was cause i wa waering a Via rail vest. the rest of the afternoon i spend the time with walking jasper. i got early to bed, cause the next morning i will be pickup at 8:15 for the icefield tour.

day 8
today was a fantasic and spectacular day. here is my story

My pickup at the hotel for the trip true the rocky's was sceduled for the pickup my hotel at 8:17 so i went to the lobby at 7:45. i checked out and waited outside the building. two travels (fred and veronica) who i met on the train from toronto to jasper, joined me to wait for the pickup. they told me that the guide of today was very nice. when we were the touringcar it make one more stop at the station of jasper before it begin the trip. arround 8:30 we drove out of jasper onto "the icefield parkway". that is the name for the road between jasper and lake louise. when we pass a tollhouse on the road the guide told us that we run into the national park. he told us that we could see bears, eagels, the wolf, an elk, or other animals. well, we got very luky....after 18 mintues drive, we stopt. "on your right you can see a baby black-bear". :)... this was nice.. I looked and yep, the baby was in the top of the tree.. under the tree mother was waiting. the guide (i already forgot his name), told. "well, did i tell you the trip is over when we see a bear:P, and ..over when we see a baby bear". he was just joking:). afther 1 hour drive from jasper we stopt by a fall that not really was melted yet. the top of the water before it was falling down, was an 3 cm ice layer. very marfelus:). i took some very butiful picture's who i will show you. after that we set course to the columbia ice-fields. at the departure platform of the fields we changed busses there. they take us to the beginning of the icefields. the icefield car drove on 6 tires and can climb a hill of arround 18% if i am well remember. after a half our drive we were on the icefield. this type of ice is different than we know. it's more slippy and have some blue collor in it. that collor comes because the refelction of the light. after the trip back to the tourringcar and did some lunch at the building of the departuredocks, we set heading to lake louise. under the way to the lake we stopt at some point were we could take some picture's of the view. at one of those stops i had seen a great place were i can took some picture's. at the way to that place i got stuk in the snow. it was 50 cm of fresh snow, and it took me 5 minutes to get on soiled ground. :P on our way to lake louise we stopt cuase there were 3 moutain goats. At th lake we spend a stop of 40 mintues. after that i was droped by my hotel. i checked in and got to my room. arround half past 10 i got to bed

write you soon!!!!


  • 14 Mei 2011 - 06:37


    Ha Joran, Geweldig! Dit moet zeker een spectaculaire belevenis zijn. En wel prettig om IN de bus te zitten als je een beer met jong tegenkomt: pfieuw. Die wil je niet face to face tegenkomen!!!

    Dit Log begin ik steeds beter te snappen en ik zie dat je nu in Banff bent. Leuk joh! De fotoos post je zeker later een keer? of was het niet mogelijk om goeie fotoos te schieten uit de bus? Wij willen natuurlijk ook graag die baby-beer zien :-P.

    Dit weekend ben ik "weg" , en Yngwe en Nikki zijn hier thuis: Yngwe geeft vnvnd een afscheidsfeestje voor z'n vrienden. Ja ja, 't leven hier gaat ook door. Zal wel onmetelijk ver weg lijken voor je :-D. Da's het fijne van vakantie ;).
    Veel plezier daar, liefs Mam

  • 15 Mei 2011 - 23:21


    Hee broer!
    Ik heb afgelopen weekend een druk weekendje gehad(zoals mam al had laten weten), maar nu eindelijk even tijd om je nieuwe verhaal te lezen!
    Klinkt als een hele toffe trip zeg die je daar hebt gedaan!:D
    Haha wel grappig dat ze daar nog sneeuw hebben om in weg te zakken;) Ik ga komende week ook klaarmaken voor mn reisje!
    Ben benieuwd naar de foto's en mooie nieuwe verhalen!
    grtz, Yngwe

  • 19 Mei 2011 - 07:25

    Hans De Groot:

    dat beertje mag je best wel ff voor bibi meenemen hoor als hij of zij in je tas past (geintje)

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